community channel tv … as usual meaning the opposite

If you read the schedule, it sounds like a guardian readers love-in, its all water projects in africa, black cowboys, disabilitys and everything foriegn that the comfortably well off, selfish I’ve got mine middle class types, love to indulge in, when their ignoring the issues of injustice in their own land, because it might mean they might have to stop and comtemplate their own selfishness for a moment.

Its all you would think this “community” of britain is now made up of, if this “community channel” is in anyway representative now, india this, china that, housing projects for ex offenders, according … to how this channel represents us, thats what the community is now in this culture. Jesus christ it makes you want to vomit, how we have this endlessly multi-culturalist overseas gazing, foreign loving serving and promoting bullshit propaganda rammed down our throats from the comfortable media types, to reflectively represent our supposed fing “community” back at us today. When you look into the mirror that supposed to reflect the british cultural community, all you see is everything but it. The media has been trying to program us with it for sixty odd years, Englishness is a happy clappy community of world peoples all living together in harmony ?!?! fucking not ! and whose expense was this at ? the english disenfranchised, and who, was this cultural experiment instigated by, without reference too or referendum given once, to the people it was going to affect, that comfortable class of political assholes who had power in the 50’s and 60’s, and it became so enshrined and unquestioned, that since then it has never been questioned as policy until its too late to do anything about, england committed cultural suicide. I just happen to be one of the generation who are old enough in this current time, to see the whole change and grow disdainful of the programming, which now leads to my own extinction. Never beleive in any sense of country or identity in this country, because if you live in england it will be used against you.

Fuck this channel it makes me so angry beyond dimension, community today is a word used to manipulate and further batter the beleaguered native peoples of this island into an endless self prostration and worship of that which isn’t british, let alone english, at every turn. In London today there are so few English people left, and resident, in the area I live, as to make their presence a token afterthought, a few old half dead ignorant, ill educated, unhealthy old people waiting for their place in the queue to an unattended co-op incineration.

This multi-cultural experiment has almost killed any sense of “community” in England. I wonder whether those who immigrated over the last 60 years, to this now fucked up country, and took whatever the already disenfranchised no voice native peoples had left from them, ever paused to think of what damage theyre presence might be doing to those classes who already had no voice and no power, I doubt they paused for even a moment as to whether presence might outcompete, and drown away a voice only just finding it feet from a thousand years of unjust and practically unchecked feudal and class privilege and stratification, as with all human beings who only seem able to concentrate on their personal well being and situation, I doubt they even stopped for breath, and comtemplated the impact on this native culture and its fragile cohesion. They were here for one thing, the ludicrous concept of approved off segregative multiculturality and the welfare and materialistic benefits of moving to a western civilised nation ? and now we must live in one of the most fractured cultures in europe, where only the filthy media can manage to programatically paint over the population, a thin veneer of happy clappy multicultural shine, over the deep dark well of discontent and distrust that now marks our culture, which in endless denial we refuse to recognise.

And Europe ? that rubbish just allows the more self agrressive commercialist types, self promotional internationally minded, culturally non denominational self servers, to roam further and abuse those less self agrandising gentler types in other nearby lands, I don’t Identify with that either.

I do on the other hand Identify with all the native peoples of the world and their fundamental right to maintain theyre own cultural identity whatever it maybe, determine the direction of their own culture, so as to enhance and maintain that beneficial biodiversity of human cultural groups. But the culture of the country of england is being slowly and inexorably overwritten by a culture of, approved of class replacement with foreign people. By a class who as of yet, have not had to compete with, or pay the price of such immigration, that they approved of and legislated for.

Community there is no “community” in England here anymore, Oh theres ethnic minority community representation and religious community representation, and sexual community representation and other such inhuman masonic groups serving there own self benefit, but is the english native community represented fairly by politics and government from within that maelstrom of speratist voices ? in my opinion that hasnt occured for sixty years.

Sky manipulation In video Excessive

Allot of TV programs produced nowadays seem determined to compensate, for the failing of CCD’s to find tonality within bright skys, by doing a form of artificial sky contrast and tonality enhancement, a kind of psuedo HDR effect without any extra information combined in.

This would be ok except whoever is operating this effect seems to get carried away with its intensity to the extent of darkening horizon buildings and making the shot in general look artifical. If you want a wider tonailty than CCD’s are currently offering either buy better cameras.

One solution would be to film at a double frame rate, with each alternate frame exposed differently to capture a wider tonal range and then combine the frames.

Or alternately just be a liitle more sparing with the intensity of the effect.

Abortwood … please

This program opens with a bus full of Highland 50’s jumpered kids on a bus, pretty good so far :) at least unlike … “Doctor Who”, the progenator of this abortwood foetus, it didn’t attempt to paint multi ethnicity back further than is realistic, into our history, for the sake of not offending viewers with a bus full of white children … heaven forbid. From this high point the show gets worse by turns, its definately aimed at pre-pubescant idiots, these staring modern overweight podgy unexcercised child actors trying to do a poor “Midwich Cuckoos” impression, really puts me off my tea, but then on the other hand the adult acting is barely beyond pubescant, because most adults today have been groomed to be overconsuming oversize monetarist children, with about as much depth as a puddle, so no wonder the acting is so artificial, that anglo american theme of plastic acting and bloated amplified plot seems to run throughout. This is more “Torcherouswood” or “Abortwood” than entertaining. Why is the TV license tax paying for this forced multi-cultural paint by numbers actors benefits club ? The plot is so obscene, all children in the world stop and do a excorcist impression, and it’s not in the mainstream media ?!!? wtf

Even the Midwich Cuckoos didn’t try and push the concept of the all the children in the world being affected. I mean at least try and put some believe-able elements in the story, its the over-inflated distended nature of everything they do, its so childish and american, And the main actor bringing his sexuality into the show, promoting man couples to the youth of today, really makes you want to vomit. The Rupesh recruitment scene is vomit worthy, the welsh loud gwen totty reinforcing the idea of a big paycheck, being such a laudable quality in a “childrens show” ? well I guess people who work in the media wouldn’t be able to filter that one, from a moral perspective.
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In Search of Englands Green and Pleasant Land

My god if any program highlights what a total **** Laurence Llewellyn bowen is, surely this is it, the guys a poor designer, who can barely draw, and he’s banging on as if he protecting the holy grail for us via his super self righteous nimby-ism, his viewpoint’s struck me as so childish and ill thought out and so mentally uncoordinated as to be almost farcical. Oh well … amusing he wasn’t intending on being, but he is so farcical. Banging about his move to the country as if he discovered something, what ? you did what any ordinary media Continue reading

Dear OfCom

It seems to me that the job of OFCOM is generally to work in the publics interest in making sure the communications industry, provide a high quality service to the general public, whos spectrum they pay a licence to use, but to some extent ofcom’s role should also be to make sure that we are being offered the best quality of services those providers can offer ? Continue reading