Yes it is damn well needed, blizzard as per usual ignoring their customers generating more samey, mess around with existing environments content > catacysm, rather than add a feature weve been seeking for years > “region transfer” havent played for three years as my level 70 is trapped : US side and no region transfer to eu yet available, do blizzard care ? > not a jot . theyve had six years to make such a feature and havent bothered, the classic scenario theyre working on is if you ignore descent it eventually fades through lack of fosterance from its own will. most of those who are trapped region wise have just stopped playing hence how blizzard can ignore those users. after all theres an endless generated global population of teenagers to fill the ranks of the descenters views. from a money corporacy perspective they are in the fortunate position still perhaps only just to be able to ignore their customers and still grow richer.
Their apparently seperate financial entitys (as if the customer cares what their relationship is ?) that dont talk to each other lord knows why, and they say its so difficult to do. In my reckoning if I can email an attatchment to the states, why the hell they cant send my character file between us and eu regions ive no idea, digital data is the most portable thing on earth, its in its genes to be moved from one place to another, the idea they cant manage this is ridiculous, I whole heartedly support this forum post. I ended up with a US char because the initial trial was only available in the US originally.
And I will not start a char again as mine has allot more than 100 days actual playtime invested, which blizzard thinks nothing of. Because they dont truly understand the concept of character investment, though they think they do. If I invested that time in doing something in real life or earning money lord knows what value of that time might be, but blizzard think such playtime is their input and property hence the agreement which basically says your chracter is their property. I will never knowingly ever play any MMO ever again because of these badly weighted licence agreements until there is an open platform file format and standard for online mmo characters, so that time invested in such games is not wimfully wasted by a corporate whos love of itself and self glorification seems to know no bounds, anybody fancing paying $500 dollars to dine with microsoft employees before going to a computer fair ? lol : aparrently blizzard thinks everything they do smells so sweet, pity they only asked their own opinion, and if they can stonewall, silence, outmarket and censor all descent, then such descent doesnt actually exist ?
The idea blizzard listens to its customers is farcical. I’m also tempted to pay $500 to go to their suck ups dinner, so they can meet a real customer with real views, and why theyre geting it so wrong. Oh but i forgot you cant just pay $500 you have to be so lucky as to be drawn in a lottery for the privilege of being able to pay $500, my bad, and perhaps youd like to pay for all the overmerchandised franchised rubbish they market at you while your at it, apart from the game itself every day of the flippin week we have pushed in our faces, comics, miniatures, fanzines, card games jeesh do they have no humility ? theyre marketing machine is and endless behemoth its like some nasty microsoft acolyte rubbish, everytime they make an announcement its like the “dance monkeyboy dance” video , with same braying game drugees, whooping theyre way more deeply into virtual acheivement lives, with every word the blizz corporate crew spew. Also raiding times are completely incompatible when your on the wrong region which makes high end play impossible, and lag times in tournaments also a problem.
Oh and you cant post on warcraft forums unless you have an active subscription ? ie anyone they kick out or isnt paying money regardless of whether they have previously for years is not entitled to criticise or have an opinion they are effectively instantly censored ! wow blizz are so not interested in customer feedback, blizzard are a horrible corporate.